Monday, September 30, 2013

Gretchen van Tassel

Here are some more post-internment photos of Japanese-Americans.

 After school the Shimomura children usually play with Mollie and Bonnie Ritchie, 
sometimes with the new kittens and Irish settler puppies on the Ritchie farm, 
and often with their dolls in the living room of the Shimomura home. 1944
 Among the animals on the A. L. Ritchie and J. S. Ritchie farm are nine Irish settler pups 
which are being fed by Mrs. Ritchie, Mollie Ritchie, and Mrs. Umeko Shimomura. 1944
 Chieko Anne Shimomura is known as Annie in the third grade of the Westfield Friends 
School at Riverton, N.J. because there are two other Annes in her class. 1944
 David Shinn Shimomura does his homework in the family kitchen 
while his mother, Mrs. Umeko Shimomura looks on. 1944
 Gathered around the piano for some singing are several members 
of the Yamasaki family with a couple of their friends. 1944
 In the yard of their home on the Ritchie fruit farm, Riverton, N.J., 
Mrs. Umeko Shimomura has started a small vegetable garden. 1944
 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matsuichi look over the day's menu with Mrs. Harry Champion, 
manager of the Old Lyme Inn, Old Lyme, Connecticut. The Matsuichis recently 
arrived from Heart Mountain, to live and work at the Inn. 1945
 Mrs. Asaka hands out soda pop to neighborhood children in the grocery store 
which she and her husband own. Harry Asaka, Issei, first relocated to 
Washington, D.C., in August, 1943, from Gila River Relocation Center. 1945
 Mrs. George Kiyoi is holding her 2 1/2 week old son, Michael for his first picture. 
The family now lives in New Jersey where he is working at the Seabrook Farms. 1944
 Mrs. Miye Tachihara Ota and her sister, Mrs. Hama Itow 
add finishing touches to a customer's wave. 1945
 Mrs. Teruharu Suzuki looks on as Mrs. Jose Machado points out a bumblebee 
to a neighbor. Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki left Minidoka in May and have been working 
for the Machados at their country home in Cornwall, Connecticut. 1945
 Pat Urushima from Jerome is now working for the 
Public Health Service at Bethesda, Maryland. 1944
 Tami Nakaguchi arrived in Washington from Jerome in Sept., 1943. 
Using secretarial training acquired at the center, Tami is now working 
for the Public Health Service at Bethesda, Maryland. 1944
 The Abe family from Colorado River, formerly of Seal Beach, California, 
gather on the porch of their new home to have their picture taken. 1945
 The kindergarten class of the Westfield Friends School at Riverton, N.J. adds a final whistle 
to a whistling story being told them by their teacher, Mrs. Cora Williams. 1944
William Mori (left), owner of the K. and J. Three Decker Restaurant, walks along a busy street in Waterbury, Connecticut, with one of the resettlers who works in his restaurant. 1945

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