Friday, January 4, 2013

Tom Parker - Japanese Internment

 A story hour in a nursery class conducted by Miss Sumi Kashiwagi. 
Amache, Colorado, 1942

 A truck load of young evacuees leaving the Granada railroad station bound for the relocation center 2-1/2 miles away. Amache, Colorado, 1942

 A young artist of Japanese parentage, correcting a poster in the Poster Shop 
at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Wyoming, 1943

 A temporary timekeeping office is a busy spot as the first contingent of workers set about preparing and organizing the center for the arrival of its first residents. Amache, Colorado, 1942

 A young nisei family, Howard Uno, his wife and baby. Howard, a former Los Angeles vegetable producer, has volunteered in the United States Army and is now stationed at Camp Savage, Minnesota. Amache, Colorado, 1942

 A young technician in the hospital laboratory, preparing a blood count. Amache, Colorado, 1942

 A young enthusiast working on a pair of book ends in a center craft shop. 
Craft shops are popular recreation for old as well as young residents of 
Japanese ancestry at this relocation center. Heart Mountain, Wyoming, 1943

 An adult education class in pattern drafting. The teacher (r) is Miss Okimoto. 
Amache, Colorado, 1942

 As a part of their commercial courses, the high school students operate a cooperative store which carries the normal school requirements, Amache, Colorado, 1942

 An exterior view of the Field Clinic in one of the barracks buildings. 
Denson, Arkansas, 1942

 Christmas at the Granada Relocation Center. Amache, Colorado, 1943

 Dinner is served cafeteria style to young and old in the mess halls 
at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. 1942

 Evacuee High School students are here shown changing classes. 
McGehee, Arkansas, 1942

 Cold Wyoming winters make for hard solid ice, and residents at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center were quick to construct ice skating ponds. The two lads shown were learning to skate the hard way. 1943

 First arrivals at this relocation center are registering for housing. Amache, Colorado, 1942

 Grade school boys playing touch football during the recess play period. Amache, Colorado, 1942

After a mock ceremony of presenting a visiting photographer with transportation, 
members of the Brenda Starrs, a group of young girl reporters pose 
to record the event. Heart Mountain, Wyoming, 1943
[For those unaware, Brenda Starr was a vintage comic about an intrepid female reporter.]


  1. Picture # 6 here is my Mother.

    1. Oh my goodness! Can you share anything about your mother and her experience? I have several friends who were in the camps as children...
