Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dorothea Lange - Japanese Internment

 Supper time. Meal times are the big events of the day within an assembly center. This is a line-up of evacuees waiting for the B shift at 5-45 P.M. San Bruno, California, 1942

 The Manzanar Free Press, the local newspaper at this War Relocation Authority center, 
is published twice a week and is delivered free to evacuees. 1942

 The Shibuya family on the lawn in front of their beautiful home before evacuation 
to War Relocation Authority centers. Mountain View, California, 1942

 The family unit is kept intact in various phases of evacuation of persons 
of Japanese ancestry. San Francisco, California, 1942

 These children have just arrived at Turlock assembly center. 1942

 These children have just arrived at Turlock assembly center. 1942

 These evacuees of Japanese ancestry have just arrived at this Assembly Center 
and are awaiting the inspection of their baggage. Turlock, California, 1942

 These people of Japanese ancestry are awaiting the special bus which will take them, and other evacuees, to the Tanforan Assembly Center. Hayward, California, 1942

 These two girls peer out of a window in their quarters 
just after their arrival at Turlock assembly center. 1942

 Third grade students working on their arithmetic lesson at this 
first volunteer elementary school. School equipment was not yet available 
at the time this photograph was taken. Manzanar, California, 1942

 This assembly center has been open for two days. Bus-load after bus-load 
of evacuated persons of Japanese ancestry are arriving this day. 
San Bruno, California, 1942

 This girl, who worked as a strawberry picker on an Alameda County farm, 
awaits evacuation bus. Centerville, California, 1942

 This young woman of Japanese ancestry received credentials from 
the San Jose State College to teach in Junior High, Primary 
and Kindergarten schools of the State. Sacramento, California, 1942

 Two children of the Mochida family who, with their parents, 
are awaiting evacuation bus. Hayward, California, 1942

 Young evacuees at this assembly center are happy to have their pictures taken. 
Tanforan Assembly Center, San Bruno, California, 1942

 Young evacuees at this assembly center who begged to have their pictures taken.
Tanforan Assembly Center, San Bruno, California, 1942

 Young persons of Japanese ancestry, second and third generation Americans. They have been in camp about a week, where there is little for them to do as yet. Stockton, California, 1942

These young evacuees are attending the first elementary school at this 
War Relocation Authority center. There are six grades with volunteer teachers 
and voluntary attendance. Manzanar, California, 1942


  1. These are beautiful!!! Where did you find these photos? Thank you for sharing this painful and valuable piece of history!

  2. The picture of the 8 kids sitting on the wooden rail is of my father. He is the one with the hat and glasses on in the middle. I have more information about the others in the picture as well.
